Active&Fit Offers Multi-Gym Access for Only $25 a Month – Update January 2023
|Update January 2023 – The basics of Active&Fit are still pretty much the same and can be found in the post below. Pricing has increased, though – a Direct membership is $28 per month and a Now membership is $32. Tax will add a bit more to each.
There is now an organization-free membership option named Active&Fit Now that prices at $29 per month that you can read about at this link. Now Through March 31, 2023, you can have the $29 enrollment fee for this program waived with Promo Code: YOURYEAR.
For those who can join the $25 per month Active&Fit Direct program you can try using the code YOURYEAR to waive the $25 enrollment fee during sign-up. Although, it’s not yet been advertised for this program.
Also, a change during 2021 – Premium fitness centers have been added to the program for a slightly higher monthly fee. The exact fee varies depending on the center. You can view all fitness centers (standard and premium) in your area using the Active&Fit search page.
Now on to the overview of the Active&Fit programs.
The gym landscape has changed significantly since I first wrote about Active&Fit in February 2020. The pandemic has seen to that.
But there are still plenty of individuals who enjoy going to a gym to benefit their physical and mental health during these challenging times.
Active&Fit remains a fantastic option for doing just that. Not only can you get multi-gym access, but at a price point that is hard to beat.
And Active&Fit memberships have no long-term commitments.
For those familiar with gym memberships, it sounds too good to be true.
But it’s not.
Here’s how you, too, can grab a gym membership for only $25 (plus tax) a month.
A Gym Membership for $25 a Month
The first thing to know is that accessing this gym-membership-for-$25-a-month deal is not an option for everyone.
This has changed, though…for a slightly higher price of $29 per month, anyone can join Active&Fit…see linked post here.

For the $25 per month option, your employer, association or health insurance provider must offer access to the fitness program Active&Fit Direct.
Luckily, it appears many major health insurance providers include Active&Fit Direct under their “Special Offers and Discounts.” Anthem, my provider, lists Active&Fit Direct under this exact section of its website.
You can check your insurance provider by logging in to its website and searching for a similarly named section.
In addition to Anthem, reports indicate that Aetna also offers this benefit to its insurance members.
And USAA provides access to Active&Fit Direct as well.
Those familiar with USAA know that its insurance products are top-notch, and also only available to current and former members of the U.S. military and their dependents.
USAA does, however, offer banking services to anyone who wishes to open an account. And reports seem to indicate banking customers of USAA also qualify for access to Active&Fit Direct.
If you’re interested in utilizing USAA’s banking products to become eligible for Active&Fit Direct and its $25 a month gym membership, you can find links in our Discussion Board post on this topic.
How Active&Fit Direct and its $25 a Month Gym Membership Works
Now that you’ve found you’re eligible – and anyone should be eligible with a USAA checking or savings account – here’s how Active&Fit Direct and its $25 a month gym membership works.

The first step is to check for partner fitness centers near you. You can use the link below to access Active&Fit Direct’s fitness center search.
Active&Fit Direct’s Fitness Center Search Link
If you find member fitness facilities that will work for you, your next step is linking from your employer, association or health plan’s website to access Active&Fit Direct’s enrollment process.
During the enrollment process, you’ll pay your first month’s $25 fee, next month’s $25 fee and a $25 enrollment fee*.
*The enrollment fee may be waived with the Promo Code: YOURYEAR through March 31, 2023. Give it a try and see.
Once enrolled, print your Active&Fit Direct fitness card/sheet and take it to the member fitness center of your choice. The gym will verify your enrollment and ask you to complete their standard membership agreement. You’ll receive the fitness center’s standard membership card or key tag which will allow you access whenever you like.
Active&Fit Direct Member Gyms
If there are multiple member fitness centers near you, you can change your gym at any time at no additional cost.
In fact, there are reports that you can set up your membership with each gym and then use them all whenever you like (even multiple gyms on the same day). No need to actually change your gym with Active&Fit Direct once you’ve initially enrolled with the individual gyms.

Active&Fit Direct partners with a number of name-brand fitness centers. All of which can be utilized via one Active&Fit Direct membership.
Some fitness centers may restrict Active&Fit Direct members to certain times during the day…although reports of that are rare. Just check with your preferred member facility to be sure.
Planet Fitness is a member facility available to many Active&Fit Direct enrollees. Considering Planet Fitness’s low monthly fee, some may wonder why it’s worth considering Active&Fit Direct’s $25 plan over the typical $10 Planet Fitness fee.
Turns out, an Active&Fit Direct membership provides a Planet Fitness Black membership. A PF Black membership runs about $23 per month and includes extras the basic membership does not. Its larger benefit, though, is you do not have to pay the $30 annual fee Planet Fitness charges when going through Active&Fit Direct.
And, you can use other fitness centers in addition to Planet Fitness if you like for that $25 per month fee.
Active&Fit Direct Membership
There is no long-term commitment for an Active&Fit Direct membership.
There is, however, a 2-month minimum enrollment period. After the 2-months are over, participation is month-to-month.
You can cancel your membership at any time after the first 2 months.
Be aware that if you cancel, you’ll need to close your account and stop payment with Active&Fit as well as cancel with the individual gym(s), too.
If you change your mind about canceling, you can re-enroll, but you’ll have to pay the $25 enrollment fee again.
The $25 monthly fee is charged on the same date each month as your enrollment date starting the month after you enroll. Each recurring monthly fee is a prepayment for the next month.
Your Active&Fit Direct membership covers a standard membership at any of its 10,000+ participating fitness centers nationwide. There are no additional fitness center-specific fees. However, if you upgrade your standard membership, then additional upgrade fees would be paid, by you, to the fitness center directly.
An Active&Fit Direct membership also provides access to 150+ videos, articles and online classes at no extra cost. These can be found on the Active&Fit Direct’s website’s Resource Library tab.
If you have additional questions regarding Active&Fit Direct and/or its program, you can view its FAQs page at this link.
Wrap Up
Who knew such an inexpensive and flexible fitness center program was available?
As long as your employer, association or health insurance provider offers access to Active&Fit Direct, you can obtain a gym membership for only $25 (plus tax) a month.
And depending on the number of member gyms near you, you can utilize multiple fitness centers for that low-$25 per month price point.
If you join before March 31, 2023, you should be able to get the enrollment fee waived with the Promo Code: YOURYEAR…if it’s not automatically applied when you sign-up.
There is a 2-month commitment, but after that, you can cancel at any time without penalty.
An Active&Fit membership is most definitely an option to keep in mind for those who want to live a healthier lifestyle.
Whether you’re new to working out, or a fitness buff who’s been going to gyms for years now, an Active&Fit Direct membership can provide significant value to your workout buck.
If you have experience with Active&Fit Direct and its fitness center program, let us know what you think of it in the comment section below.
And if you like this deal, please pass this article along to others via the social media links below.