OverDrive for Free eBooks
|If you’re a book lover like I am, you know how expensive buying books to satisfy your reading appetite can be.
Yes, libraries are a great resource for free reads, but oftentimes, especially when it comes to new releases, availability is limited or non-existent. Add your name to the waitlist and settle on your second, third or farther-down-the-list choice for your next read. And once your desired book becomes available, you have to make that long trek to the library to pick it up!
Okay, I’m being a little overly dramatic there. It likely isn’t that long of a trip to your local library, and with so many good books, so what if you have to wait a bit for your desired tome.
But, there is an option of which you may not be aware.
OverDrive, an app that can be downloaded, free, to most digital devices (Apple, Chromebook, Kindle and Nook to name just a few), allows you to borrow eBooks, audiobooks and videos from your local library, without having to leave the comfort of your home.
You still need a library card for the library whose digital collection you’ll be borrowing, but those are easily obtained if you aren’t already a library cardholder.
A suggestion. If you live in a smaller community, but are close to a larger metropolitan area, get a library card from both library systems. I’ve found, and this just makes sense, the smaller the library, the less digital options you’ll have available to “check out.” Having access to a larger library system’s collection, even if you would never drive there for a hard copy, widens the number of digital offerings from which you can pick.
Getting Started
Download the app
Either through the app, or on overdrive.com, find your local library’s digital collection.
Use your library card (number and possibly PIN) to borrow your chosen title.
Enjoy your chosen book, audiobook or video on your preferred digital device.
More Than Books
Depending on whether or not your particular library’s digital offerings include periodicals, you may be able to get the latest magazine and newspaper issues free as well.
If periodicals are part of your library’s digital selections, you’ll likely need to download the Nook reading app, or have a Nook tablet to view them. You can find more information, and details on accessing periodicals, on OverDrive’s website here.
Great Option Coming Soon to OverDrive
OverDrive is working on a Pre-Release feature that will allow you to find upcoming new releases, and place a hold on those titles, before anyone else.
Lengthy hold queues have long been a frustration of mine. A new book from a favorite author has just released, I go to the library’s site to borrow the book, only to find there are 50 or more people who’ve already reserved a copy and are awaiting their turn.
OverDrive’s Pre-Release feature may help get that new release to you much more quickly.
Libraries See The Writing
More and more, we are turning to our digital devices to consume all manner of media. Libraries are seeing that hard copy media are slowly taking a backseat to digital formats, and thus, are increasing their digital offerings.
That doesn’t mean everything you could want is available from your local library via the OverDrive app. But, I’ve found options grow over the years I’ve been an OverDrive user.
And, I’ve also found libraries willing to add works to their collections when requested.
A year or two ago I wanted to read an older book that neither of the libraries to which I hold library cards had as part of their digital collections (nor part of their hard copy collections, for that matter). I used a “request” feature that was part of the OverDrive app to suggest the (one) library add the book, and a few months later I received an email stating that I could now find the eBook in its collection.
Even though digital formats are increasing in popularity, those who utilize libraries the most may not be as quick to jump on that particular bandwagon. Which means, better availability for those who are savvy in the digital arena.
So, if you’re a book lover who doesn’t like spending large sums to read the latest hot releases, give OverDrive a try. The app is free, and it opens the door to a whole host of free digital media. And that is a deal that just can’t be beat.
image courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net and adamr