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How Did Your DirecTV Retention Call Go?

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From Elizabeth vi comment on the post How to Lower Your DirecTV Bill in 2019.

So I started out yesterday by calling 619-752-1409 due to our Directv promo ending. After 30 minutes of being on hold waiting to get a human on the phone, I hung up and tried 1-866-595-1331 and spoke with the sweetest lady. She was able to offer us a new promo on our Directv and internet that in total, will bring our bill to about $41 more than it was. This offer is only good for the next 6 months at which point we’ll be calling again. She was not able to lower the bill any more than that and could not throw in NFL Sunday Ticket Max but did up our internet from internet 300 to 1000 at no extra cost. Unfortunately, we’re under contract for 12 more months so we can’t discontinue service without paying termination fees to the tune of $20/month for each month left in the contract. I’ll likely try calling again soon to see if they can go any lower and if not, will set up a cancellation date just to give it a try. Regardless, we’ll end up keeping service with Directv until our contract is up and will likely then switch to Cspire Fiber internet and Hulu Live.

From David via comment on the post "How to Lower Your DirecTV Bill in 2019."

Just called and the best they could do was $55 off a month for 12 months.. This was not a “contract” and I still can cancel anytime. The phone number in the story works and I was connected right to a live person (no wait time) and very pleasant to talk with and within 5 min was done with the phone call.

From Mike via comment on the post "My 2020 DirecTV Retention Call Shows Good Deals Are Harder to Come By, But You Can Still Get Something."

I have been a customer for 17 years. We needed to upgrade our non-ATT Broadband service with our cable provider, to cope with additional load due to home schooling and both my wife and I working from home.

When I upgraded my bandwidth, the rep offered to throw in their Medium tier HD Cable for like $35 month for 24 months with no contract. So I bit.

We have been dissatisfied with DTV for some time, mostly owing to frequent drop outs in heavy wind (frequent in Texas), and also this recent 2-1/2 week blackout of Tegna stations. (granted, it takes two, to tango.)

Anyway, Called DTV with every intention to cancel, very nice young woman offered me $600 credit ($50 a month for a year.). NO committment, and upgraded both of my HD + DVRs (HR34, HR44) to newer models with no contract extension.

So I feel like I got a fair offer and it buys me a year at least to determine whether or not to cancel.

I hope this information helps.

From Scott via comment on the post "My 2021 DirecTV Retention Call Was Actually Done Via Twitter and Here's How it Went."

I had a $50 month credit expire on my Entertainment package and was dreading the phone ordeal. I hadn’t thought about trying social media for the annual negotiation until reading your post. Loved using Twitter to do this as it allowed me to continue to work on other things between messages. In the end, I wasn’t able to get my same $50 credit but was able to secure a $40 credit for the next 12 months along with Cinemax and HBO Max free for 3 months. The initial offer was $20 off for 12 months and no free premium channels. Overall, I felt good about the end deal and it was all through Twitter interaction with no calls. I went ahead and stretched the request for a $100 gift card and was told gift cards were handled by another department so I didn’t push.
So for at least 1 more year I’ll be on DirecTV but it is getting more and more tempting to cut the satellite and move over to a streaming service.

I would say my "retention call" went very well.  But it took some work. 

Here is where I started:

Entertainment Package, with HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, and the Extra Movies Pack.  This came out to $182 a month since my previous discounts ended last billing cycle.  I'm not willing to adjust my base channel package, and I'm looking for a deal to keep me with DirecTV.

First of all, I was all ready to go to streaming services if I had to.  I was looking at YouTubeTV at $55 a month (T-Mobile offer of $10 off for one year), plus HBOMax and Showtime and Stars Entertainment Package bundle with them for an additional $30, for a grand total of $85.   

So that was my target price...$85. 

The first two calls to DirecTV were a bust, as they could only offer at most $35 off for the next 12 months.  Since my bill went up to $182 once my previous discounts ran out, the $35 would not be cutting it.  I needed to shave around $100!!!!  Even though I explained I could and would go to streaming services if they couldn't match it, they still wouldn't budge.  So I set up a termination date to coincide with the last day of my current billing cycle.

So, I did my part and got rid of Cinemax, as well as the Extra Movies Pack, and that equated to about $15 off.  So now I'm at $165, with the hopes of slashing that in half.  And I'm hoping to match YouTubeTV with the entertainment package.  As I previously stated, calls to DirecTV resulted in me setting up a disconnect date.  So I went online to their Twitter account.  That resulted in nothing.  I then went on the chat feature in Facebook under their Facebook account, and that was nothing...INITIALLY. 

What I had to do was post on the actual page, noting nobody would contact me via Facebook chat or Twitter, and I was already set to terminate.  That's when the ball got rolling.  DirecTV must have read my post, as they started to contact me via Facebook chat.  They offered more than the initial $35, and we were getting a discount of around $50 at one point.  I kept strong, and told them they only needed to adjust it $30 more then we could make things happen.  I was determined to leave DirecTV for streaming services if they would not assist.  This went back and forth through the Facebook text for a couple of hours into almost 10pm.  I said I wasn't satisfied, and would continue the next day.  The next morning, they texted me around 9am and continued the conversation.  Ultimately, since I would not budge....I managed to get a discount of $80 a month for 12 months with no change to my program package (Entertainment), plus I have HBO, Showtime, and also got Starz for 3 months at 1/2 off.  Getting the half off on Starz was just the cherry on top, as I really don't care for that, only HBO and Showtime.  And having HBO allows me to stream HBOMax (which I do more than watch the actual channels anyway).  All in all, I am paying just above my desired price point of $85 for now.  I intend to remove Starz in 3 months, and the cost should go down a few more bucks to pretty much match the $85 goal. 

It took a few hours between two days, but I managed to obtain my discount goal and remain a DirecTV customer.  I would have left for streaming services, but they managed to keep me for another year.  Mind you, I always pay ahead, have a $400+ credit on my DirecTV account due to automatic weekly payments that I don't adjust, and have been a customer for almost 20 years.  I'm sure that helped, but it also helped to stick to my guns and present a realistic alternative to DirecTV.  They're not dumb, and they know they are felling the squeeze from streaming services.  So they CAN give discounts, if you're willing to do the work.


@1nonlymre, thanks so much for your very detailed and helpful overview of your DirecTV retention efforts.  DirecTV definitely made you work for the discount.  Which is a great message for everyone else looking to lower their DirecTV bill.  DTV likely isn't going to make it easy.  You're going to have to put in some effort for the discount via multiple calls/social media engagements, some of which will last quite a while.  And that's even after you've set up a disconnect date.

But, as @1nonlymre's experience shows, it's still possible to get DirecTV at a reasonable monthly rate.  You just have to be prepared for what could be a "process."

Thanks again, @1nonlymre, for a great report which is sure to be helpful and encouraging for others looking to save a bit of money.

Back again.  Did the "game" again this year.  Used my previous post to do my discount grab all over again.  It worked!  I got another $80 discount per month for another 12 months.  I'll need to drop Showtime and Starz, but I don't really watch those channels anymore anyway.  I need HBO Max, though!  But yeah, got another $80 discount.

@1nonlymre, thanks for coming back and providing info on your latest discount call.

Congrats on getting another $80 per month discount!

For those reading, it looks as though you can still get discounts on your monthly DirecTV bill. 

I wonder how much the loss of Sunday Ticket has played into DirecTV being more willing to work with subscribers to stay with the service?

Our DirecTV posts used to get a lot of hits, but, as you can see from the dates on comments above, over the past year or so, it's dropped off significantly.  I took that to mean many have moved on from even trying to stay with DirecTV.  Or Google's analytics changed and buried us on the search results.

No matter, a big hat tip to @1nonlymre for posting the latest DirecTV retention success and giving readers hope they can do the same in 2023.

Current discounts run through June 10, 2024.  So I will have to "play the game" with DirecTV again next month for the 2024/2025 year discounts.  I'm looking for another $80 a month discount.  As always, if I don't get what I feel is appropriate, I have no issues going to streaming services.  I will keep you folks informed on what comes of the game with DirecTV next month. 🙂

Well, it is now June 18, 2024 and I am here with my yearly report for DirecTV.

Unfortunately, this year was a no-go.  I went from having a monthly discount of $80 to nothing.

Well, not actually nothing.  I was offered a $70 monthly discount with the same packages and add-ons I currently have.  I was not willing to lessen my current packages and add-ons, and obviously that $70 discount was not going to be good enough.  In truth, the previous $80 would not have been enough compared to the pricing for a similar package and add-ons through YouTubeTV.  In order to compete, I calculated my current discounts to increase to a minimum of $88 a month discount, which DirecTV stated they could not do.  Again, the greatest discount they could offer was $70, as they stated their system generates the discounts. (Of course, a follow-up call yielded a "maximum" discount of $40, so I don't know how true the computer calculation story is). 
So, I set up my cancellation date at the end of the current billing cycle and ordered YouTubeTV. 
That said, DirecTV has one more chance to do things right.  Just before my cancellation date I will reach out again for a last ditch effort, but now they will have to "sweeten" the deal even more.  You see, I am getting charged already for one month of YouTubeTV, and by the time the cancellation date comes and goes, I will be on my 2nd month of YoutubeTV.  Youtube does no give you back money for early termination of service, so I will have paid 2 full months of service while DirecTV piddles around.  So, although $88 would have been comparable to YouTubeTV, that was prior to me signing up.  Now, in order to "reimburse" me for my troubles of signing up, and including the previously calculated competitive discount of $88, the new discount would have to be increased by $17  to make up for me having signed up to YouTubeTV for at least 2 months. 
So, by my calculations, the only way I would remain with DirecTV at this time is for them to offer a minimum of $105 monthly discounts for the next 12 months.  Will they do it?  Well, they weren't willing to go up from $70 to $88, so the likelihood of moving up to $105 is even slimmer.  Additional channels or greater packages in lieu of an appropriate bottom line is not acceptable, but if they want to further sweeten things by giving me a better channel package on their dime, I wont shy away.  Highly unlikely, though.  DirecTV does not appear to want to compete with streaming services.
And it is this type of thinking that is making folks move to streaming services over conventional cable and satellite.  I have been a loyal DirecTV customer for 20+ years and they would not (up to 6/18/24) make proper efforts to keep me an additional year.  So instead of their company making just under $1200 from me over the course of the next year, they will be making $0.  That makes no sense, but least I get the same service through YouTubeTV, albeit with a learning curve due to the slightly differences with the screens and such.  But I will have unlimited DVR storage, and much more customizable channel layout, for less.  It's a win, with the loss of DirecTV.  Oh well, the ride was fun while it lasted.
Again, I will reach out to them one more time in a couple of weeks to see if they are willing to work with me on my modified terms.  Otherwise, the disconnect date stands and I will completely shift over to streaming.

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