Watch Live MLB Games on YouTube for Free

Beginning today, YouTube is offering the MLB game of the week free.

These games are exclusive to YouTube – you won’t see them on cable or satellite TV.

You can watch these games of the week each week during the regular season only on YouTube.

And, of course, like any YouTube content, you can watch these live games on the YouTube app, on your phone, tablet, smart TV, or on your computer at All for free. And you don’t even need to sign-in to YouTube to watch these games.

Today’s game of the week is:

Catch the Dodgers play the Phillies at 9:30 a.m. Pacific time / 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time for this first MLB game of the week only on YouTube.

Future games of the week on YouTube include:

You can subscribe to the MLB channel on YouTube at the link below for easy access to today’s game as well as upcoming games.

MLB Channel on YouTube Subscription Link

If you can’t get enough baseball, or want to watch certain teams featured on the MLB’s game of the week, this new, free opportunity from YouTube is for you.

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