Having a good credit score can bring a multitude of benefits in various aspects of your financial life. From better chances of credit card and loan approval to
If you’ve read any of our introductory personal finance posts, you know we view credit scores, better known as FICO scores, as the lifeblood of any individual’s personal
The Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) has introduced the new FICO Resilience Index which will complement the well-known and widely used credit-worthiness FICO score in an attempt to “…help[s]
According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, changes are coming to how the FICO score is calculated, and consumers should take note. In multiple articles over the
Money Management Series In our series, we’ve discussed the first step – and its close second – to developing a successful money management plan. Now that you’ve worked
Money Management Series Our first post in this series covered how developing a budget is the first step toward a successful money management plan. The second, and almost
A few months ago, we wrote about the soon-to-be-introduced UltraFICO Score and how it may help certain individuals with borderline FICO scores improve their creditworthiness. Now we’re hearing
I’m sorry to pass along this unfortunate news, but your personal information has already been hacked and is bouncing around the unsavory parts of the Internet just waiting
A recent article in The Wall Street Journal discussed the newly created UltraFICO score and its pending role in determining creditworthiness for many seeking credit. The article “Want