Purchase Quilted Northern Toilet Paper and Facial Tissue Directly from the Manufacturer
|What a surprise! Georgia-Pacific Brands, the maker of Quilted Northern toilet paper and facial tissue – to name just two – is allowing purchases of their products directly from them.
So, if you’ve had a difficult time finding toilet paper or facial tissues in stock when you make your way to the grocery store or check online at your favorite retailer, this might be an alternative.
Currently, as of April 24, 2020, the online order system for Quilted Northern toilet paper is showing two of their three toilet paper offerings as in-stock.

Granted, I wouldn’t say you’re getting a deal, but if you’re tired of finding empty shelves and “out of stock” online listings, it might be worth ordering a package to get you through.
As with most retailers, you can sign up on their website to receive in-store and online coupons as well as product info. Whether this will save you much on your first online order, I’m not sure. The sign up link does show a “sign up and get $0.50 now” offer…better than nothing I guess.

You can sign up at this link.
When I went through the order process – I didn’t actually order, just checked it out – you can opt for free shipping, which is nice.
Tax, depending on your location, is charged, though.
Order Other Products Too
And, surprisingly, you can order other Georgia-Pacific products too.
A few of the items showing as in-stock include:
- Angel Soft toilet paper
- Brawny paper towels
- Sparkle paper towels
- Dixie cups and plates
- Napkins – Vanity Fair and Aria
You can view them all at the link below.
Other Georgia-Pacific Brands Products Link
Wrap Up
Who knew, during this crisis, we could just order toilet paper and other paper products directly from the manufacturer?
These might not be your regular brands, but if you’re having trouble finding what you want in-store and online, this is an option to at least have something in your house.
And if these are your brands, even better!
Granted, pricing is probably not the best, but at least shipping is free and the worry of finding products is alleviated.
Just be aware, they likely limit the number of items you can purchase. I think I saw one package (toilet paper) per order…but now I can’t find that restriction to say for sure.
Even so, having this as a purchase option is extremely nice.