Grab 10x Ultimate Rewards Points or 10% Cash Back at Walmart Using Chase Pay

Chase is offering an easy way to earn Ultimate Rewards points (or cash back) during the holiday shopping season.

This promotion is similar to the back-to-school 10x/10% Chase Pay/Walmart promo a few months ago.

Simply go to, load up your shopping cart with whatever your heart desires, checkout with Chase Pay, and you’ll earn 10x Ultimate Rewards points per dollar spent (or 10% cash back) on your purchase(s) of up to $325.

Which means, if you max out the offer you’ll earn an easy 3,250 Ultimate Rewards points for the effort.

Yes, this promotion does involve a little effort in that you must use Chase Pay to make your payment.  If you’re not familiar with Chase Pay, you can find more info here.

Account set up is fairly simple and can be done on the payment screen.  Or you can log in to your Chase Ultimate Rewards earning credit card account and under the Pay & Transfer dropdown link at the top of the page you’ll see a link for Chase Pay.  Select it and you can quickly set up and activate your Chase Pay account.

Then, going forward, you’ll just have to enter your Chase account log in info when you pay with Chase Pay.

The Chase Pay/ promotion runs now through December 14, 2017.

Which Chase Credit Card to Use

It may seem from whichever promotion info you’re looking at that only one specific Chase credit card will earn the 10x Ultimate Rewards points for this promo.  As you can see above, it mentions the Chase Freedom card.

However, other promo literature show different cards…in the case below it’s the Chase Sapphire card.

And, if you’re a frequent reader of Savings Beagle, you know that the cash back earned on the Chase Freedom card can be transferred to a premium Ultimate Rewards earning card’s account (Sapphire Reserve, Sapphire Preferred or Ink Preferred Business card – or older premium business cards) and used as Ultimate Rewards points.

Or, simply grab the 10% cash back earned on the Freedom/Freedom Unlimited.

Reports indicate that the following Chase credit cards will earn the 10x points at when used as the Chase Pay payment method.

  • Sapphire
  • Sapphire Reserve
  • Freedom
  • Freedom Unlimited

Or, put another way, almost all of the Chase Ultimate Rewards earning personal credit cards. The Sapphire Preferred has yet to show as eligible, but that may change as more reports come in.  If you have info that the Sapphire Preferred is part of the 10X/10% promo, let us know!

Chase business credit cards will not earn the 10x bonus points.

The Play

Of course, you can simply go to and purchase $325 worth of merchandise you need. Bam! You just earned 3,250 Ultimate Rewards points.  With the holiday shopping season upon us, that shouldn’t be too difficult.

However, if you don’t want to do your holiday shopping at Walmart, you can always purchase gift cards to earn the valuable Ultimate Rewards points.

My plan is to purchase a $200 Visa Gift Card or two.  Yes, there’s a $6.88 gift card fee, but I’ll gladly pay that amount to get 2,000+ Ultimate Rewards points.  Then I’ll use the gift cards to pay for groceries or other non-bonused spend purchases until it’s used up.

Bottom Line

This promotion is an easy way to earn a few thousand Ultimate Rewards points.

Just set up your Chase Pay account – if you haven’t already done so – and make some purchases at, earning 10x Ultimate Rewards points (or 10% cash back) on every dollar you spend up to $325.

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