
GoodRx is Your Ticket to Lower Prescription Drug Costs

GoodRx is your ticket to lower prescription drug costs. And the savings couldn’t be easier.

Plus, now, you can refer others to GoodRx and make a little money for yourself. You can get more information on the referral program toward the end of the article.

But, first, a quick overview of GoodRx.


GoodRx is a free, easy-to-use online platform that searches out the best pricing for a large number of prescription drugs at a variety of pharmacies in your area.

To use the service, simply head to and enter the prescription(s) and dosage you want to price in addition to your location (if you haven’t set up an account).

A list will be generated of nearby pharmacies and the pricing each is offering – when a GoodRx coupon is used – for the prescription you need.

The amount saved can run from a few dollars up to 50%, 70%, or even more off the price you’d regularly pay.

And there is no charge for this service. Period.

You can sign-up for a GoodRx account, but you don’t have to. An account can help to keep the specifics of multiple prescriptions saved in one place, and easily accessible when you want to check the latest coupon pricing.

But, again, coupons can be printed/used with or without a GoodRx account.

Once you have a coupon ready to go, simply take it to the associated pharmacy (your prescription will have to have been transferred if it isn’t already at that specific pharmacy) where the GoodRx coupon codes will be entered into the system.

And just like that, you’ll receive the discounted price.

The process can also be done in-pharmacy via the GoodRx app on your smartphone if you don’t want to bother with printing coupons.

This link directs to GoodRx’s page on how the program works if you want a bit more detail.

What’s the Catch?

At this point, you may be asking, “What’s the catch? How can you save so much without there being something else to this?”

And the answer is…there is no catch.

I’ve been using GoodRx for years now and saving significant amounts of money over that period of time.

The bottom line is, whether your health insurance covers prescriptions or not, you should be checking GoodRx to see if you can save on your out-of-pocket prescription costs. More than likely, the answer will be a resounding yes.

For those who are still wary, I’ll just throw this out there. Our health insurance and health care system in the U.S. is broken. Pricing for most services and products, when accessed through the system, is unknown, and when it is known, is not easily compared to bring about a truly fair pricing structure.

Which is why and how a service like GoodRx can work to provide such significant savings. Don’t ask what kind of deals are going on behind the curtain, just take advantage of what’s offered while you can to keep more of your money in your pocket.

The GoodRx Referral Program

And now, GoodRx is offering a referral program that can provide you a little extra cash for each person you refer to GoodRx.

For each person you refer to GoodRx who uses a GoodRx coupon to save on a prescription, you’ll receive a $5 gift card. And your friend will receive a $5 gift card, too, after his/her first use.

There is a limit of 15 referrals and $75 worth of gift cards for each GoodRx member.

You will have to sign up for a GoodRx account (free to join) and share your personalized referral link to be eligible for the $5 referral bonus.

And, the individuals you refer will also have to sign up for a GoodRx account so their coupon use can be tracked.

This, of course, means you’ll be receiving GoodRx promotional emails as a result. Only you can decide if the referral bonuses are worth these emails.

I receive the GoodRx emails, and they’re not overly burdensome in number, and can be a good reminder to re-check pricing in addition to providing good health-related information via articles they include.

You can get more information on the GoodRx Referral Program at this GoodRx website link.

This program is intended for individuals to share the GoodRx program with friends and family who may benefit, not as a commercial venture.

No Referal Links from Savings Beagle

Which is why Savings Beagle is not part of the GoodRx referral program, and is in no way connected with GoodRx.

We provide this information solely for reference purposes, to help those who regularly use prescription medications, potentially, save money on those prescriptions.

If GoodRx turns out to save you money, let us know in the comment section below. We always like to hear success stories associated with the information we provide.

And, be sure to share this post with others who may find the information beneficial.

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