5 Top Websites That Will Save You Money
|Savings Beagle is all about tips and tricks to save money. Sometimes we find deals that save a little bit, and other times, our advice can save you a lot.
But, unfortunately, we can’t find all the money savings deals, all of the time. We’d love to, believe us, but it’s just not humanly possible.
Which is why we’ve compiled a list of other websites that you can use to supplement the information we provide.
In the money saving game, it’s all about cooperation to reach the ultimate goal – which is…getting a great deal at a fantastic price.
That said here are a few of our favorite sites that, hopefully, will help you make the most of your hard earned dollars.
The Sites
Swap is an online consignment store for baby and kids items and women’s apparel.
We all have stuff just sitting around the house taking up space. And if you have kids, you know how quickly they outgrow clothes and lose interest in the toys they received just a few months ago…or less. So why keep these things around, cluttering up valuable space? Swap ‘em out! Get a little cash and free yourself from all that clutter. Or, if moving out unwanted/unused items isn’t your problem, Swap has some great deals on clothes, games, DVDs and much more.
We used to clip the coupons from the Sunday paper every week. Full disclosure: we weren’t coupon crazy, maximizing sales/coupons and only buying what we had a coupon for. But, a little savings on what we were going to buy already was nice.
A while back, it seemed the Sunday coupon offerings weren’t quite so good anymore.
Step in coupons.com. The site has a variety of coupons, both printable and e-versions, just waiting to save you money on items you want to buy in one, easily accessible site. Nice and simple; can’t beat that.
Five Dollar Dinner
For most of us, our monthly food budget ranks right up there with our mortgage and car payments as the largest expense. That is most assuredly true if you eat out a lot.
The answer: Cook more meals at home. And for those that do cook most meals at home, find a more economical way to cook those meals.
Hello $5 Dinners! On the site you can find recipes for meals that cost only $5 or less to make! This can provide a huge savings on that outrageous monthly food bill. The site also provides How-To and Cooking Tutorials for the kitchen-challenged amongst us (that’s me) as well as savings strategies and even full-blown meal plans for those that want the week’s eats all planned out.
My wife and I have used HomeAway for multiple ocean front vacations, and have come away extremely happy with the accommodations, and handling of the stay, each and every time.
HomeAway is an alternative to staying in hotels. And, when factoring in all the extra costs associated with a hotel stay – parking, resort fees, dining out for every meal, etc. – HomeAway can also provide a more economical vacation experience.
Approximately 1 million rentals, of all kinds (houses, condos, boats, and I’m sure other types as well) are listed at any given time. You simply search the area to which you want to travel, inputting specific dates if you like, and HomeAway listings for that area are shown.
When you find something you like, either email or call the contact listed with any questions or simply submit your reservation request with the specified deposit, and you’re good to go.
Secret Sales
If you love luxury products but hate paying the prices, check out Secret Sales.
The site’s buyers work with over 600 brands to bring new sales to you each day. The site states, “Each sale is carefully edited to ensure we sell only the best selection of products across a range of categories including fashion, accessories, beauty and homeware.”
Secret Sales’ sales last between 2 and 4 days and can offer savings of up to 70%! Now that’s some great savings.
image courtesy of scottchan at freedigitalphotos.net