Walmart Offering an iPhone XR Upgrade Deal for Verizon and AT&T Customers
|Walmart is offering an iPhone XR upgrade deal for Verizon and AT&T customers.
The key point of this phone deal is that it’s for an UPGRADE on either Verizon or AT&T, something that can be rare to find.
Both of these carriers will somewhat regularly offer cell phone discounts, but they require a new line of service and/or service on their most expensive unlimited plans.
This deal is restriction-free.
The only downside is that the iPhone XR isn’t the most current phone available.
But for those who can survive without the latest and greatest, this is a great way to upgrade an older phone currently on a Verizon or AT&T plan at a reasonable price.
The iPhone XR Upgrade Deal

You can choose from a variety of colors for the iPhone XR. A few – Blue and White – come at a higher price-point.
Currently, there are two GB versions to pick from, the per-month pricing for each is:
- 64GB – $14.54/month
- 128GB – $24.96/month
- 256GB – $27.04/month (currently out of stock)
Tax, obviously, is extra, and will be paid on the discounted price of the phone at purchase (per month price x 24).
The per month price will be spread over 24 months.
However, these are not bill credits, so you can pay the phone off at any time.
For example, the iPhone XR 64GB version’s total price is $348.96 ($14.54 x 24). You can pay the total amount owed at any time and keep the phone on Verizon, or take it to a lower-priced MVNO if you want to lower your monthly wireless bill.
Once the phone is paid off, you’re free to do whatever you want…purchasing this phone does not lock you into any long-term contract.
You can view the deal at the Walmart link below.
Walmart Verizon iPhone XR Upgrade Deal Link

You can choose from a variety of colors for the AT&T iPhone XR deal. The Blue does come with a higher price-point.
And as with the Verizon deal, there are currently two GB versions to pick from, the per-month pricing for each is:
- 64GB – $11.63/month
- 128GB – $19.97/month
- 256GB – $21.63/month (currently out of stock)
Tax is extra and will be paid on the discounted price of the phone at purchase (per month price x 30).
AT&T’s per month price is spread over 30 months.
These are not bill credits, so you can pay the phone off at any time if you choose.
For example, the iPhone XR 64GB version’s total price is $348.90 ($11.63 x 30). You can pay the total amount owed at any time and keep the phone on AT&T, or take it to a lower-priced MVNO if you want to lower your monthly wireless bill.
Once the phone is paid off, you’re free to do whatever you want…purchasing this phone does not lock you into any long-term contract.
You can view the Walmart deal at the link below.
Walmart AT&T iPhone XR Upgrade Deal Link
A Few Other Points
Again, this is a deal through Walmart. You must purchase the iPhone XR via Walmart to get the upgrade deal pricing.
When you click through the Walmart purchase link you’ll provide info on your AT&T or Verizon account, choosing which current phone you want to upgrade.
For the previous…and actually still available…Walmart iPhone SE upgrade deal, there were some hiccups associated with the process. However, most customers were able to make the purchase and have it connected to their Verizon or AT&T account without issue.
Unfortunately, these upgrade deals are subject to activation/upgrade fees. AT&T’s fee is $30. Verizon’s fee is $40. The fees will be charged on your first bill after purchase.
There are some reports that if you ask your carrier nicely, after the fee has posted to your bill, they will waive it. This is very much a case by case situation. Don’t expect it to happen, but it’s worth asking.
And, finally, individual versions of the phone – color and GB – can be re-stocked at various times. If you really want a specific phone and it’s currently not available, wait a few days or a week and check back. This was a common occurrence with the iPhone SE upgrade deal.
Wrap Up
Walmart is offering an upgrade deal on the iPhone XR for current Verizon and AT&T customers.
Per month pricing varies depending on the provider and specific version of the iPhone XR you choose.
But, overall, this deal is up to a $250 savings off the regular iPhone XR price.
And, this is for an upgrade deal, which is often hard to find.
So, if you’re in the market for a new phone, this is a deal you just might want to consider.
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