Uber and Uber Eats Amex Offer – Get 50% Back on Purchases up to $25 Through the End of the Year

Uber and American Express are offering a 50% back deal with this latest Amex Offer.

Check your Uber-related Amex cards – Platinum, Gold, possibly others – to see if you have the Offer waiting for you.

If you do, add the Offer to your card, make sure that card is linked in your Uber/Uber Eats account as the payment method, and each time an Uber or Uber Eats charge is made to the card you’ll save 50%.

There is a maximum dollar amount related to that 50% back promo – $25 back seems to be the norm, but your amount may be different.

This Uber Amex Offer is good through December 31, 2023, making it fairly easy for anyone who uses Uber or Uber Eats to max out the savings.

This Offer’s enrollment is limited, meaning once a pre-determined number of Offers have been added, the remaining Offers will be removed from availability. Add it now if you’re interested.

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