It’s been almost thirteen years since the Simpson-Bowles National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform provided its recommendations on how to address America’s out-of-control spending problem. Anyone who
We’re in strange economic times. Some economic indicators are showing the U.S. economy is improving, while others tell a different story. The reasoning is likely the result of
I just received a letter from my natural gas supplier notifying me that my heating costs will increase about 50% in 2022. Unfortunately, for anyone paying attention to
If you like this post, please consider sharing with others who may benefit. Thanks! U.S. Series I Savings Bonds have quickly become the “it” investment for those looking
For a brief period, it looked as though Covid was receding in the rearview mirror late spring and early summer. And then it wasn’t. The actual illness aspect
I wrote the original article on America’s financial situation roughly four years ago. My goal, first and foremost, was to highlight the excessive debt the U.S. had piled
The United States hasn’t seen significant, widespread inflation like we’re seeing now for quite some time. The past few months Savings Beagle has asked readers via a popup
I’ve warned about America’s increasing debt load for many years now. While U.S. debt has been on a gradual increase for decades, it was only after the Great
The coronavirus pandemic has brought about changes to almost every facet of our lives since it made its appearance roughly one year ago. For some, those changes are