SiriusXM Satellite Radio 3-Year Subscription for $128 or 5-Years for $180 – Might Take Some Work to Get These Deals, Though
|If you’re getting tired of calling or chatting with SiriusXM’s customer service every year to keep your bill low, these deals might be of interest.
First, the deal link below will likely show you’re ineligible for the 3 or 5-year subscription promotions once you input your account/login information. It’ll likely revert to a 12-month for $5 per month promo price.
Reports seem to indicate these longer-term subscription deals are for older vehicles (7 years and older?).
Which is likely why many are not eligible.
If, however, the link proves fruitful for you, then consider yourself lucky.
Here’s the link to give a try…
SiriusXM 3-Year Subscription Deal for $99 Link

The 3-year deal prices at around $128 when taxes and fees are included. Your tax rate will determine the exact all-in price.
The 5-year deal prices at around $180, taxes and fees included. Again, your final price is determined by your tax rate.
And, these deals are for the Music & Entertainment Package.
If the Link Doesn’t Work
If the link doesn’t work, there are a number of reports of success getting either the 3 or 5-year deals by being persistent with SiriusXM’s customer service.
You can contact SiriusXM’s Call Center at 1-800-689-6881.
Initially, you’ll probably be told they can’t offer those deals to you.
And some reps will even say there are no such deals.
But if you continue asking them to check if one or both of the deals are available to you with a manager or the “back end team,” you may have success.
There are no guarantees it will work, but some have been able to turn no long-term deal offerings into a 3 or 5-year subscription deal. Just seems to take a lot of persistence and patience.
Whether these deals are worth that effort is a question only you can answer.
If you do give it a try, let us know in the comments what your experience was like.