Select DoorDash Accounts Can Save Up to 60% on Pickup or Delivery Orders Through June 7, 2023
|DoorDash is offering select customers a few savings offers over the next week or so.

One offer provides 50% off orders of $15 or more when the promo code: EAT4LESS is used when checking out. This offer can be used up to 3 times prior to June 7.
The other offer appears to be for DashPass subscriber accounts only, and provides 60% off orders of $15 or more. Use promo code: THRIVE5 to see if this promo will work on your account.
As is typical, these deals won’t be available to everyone. But, if your DoorDash account is targeted, it’s a nice savings for your upcoming DoorDash order(s).
Let us know if you have any success with either of these promotions.