
Navigating Your Student Loans While in College

Managing Student Loans: A Guide for College Students

The importance of managing student loans during college is often overlooked by students and their parents. Many students tend to wait until after graduation to address their loans, but this approach may lead to a student loan crisis. By managing student loans during college, students can have better control over their debt and create a plan for repayment.

One key aspect of managing student loans during college is understanding how interest accumulates on different types of loans. For example, while subsidized federal direct loans do not accrue interest while a student is enrolled at least half-time, unsubsidized federal direct loans and private loans do accumulate interest during school.

Calculating the amount of interest that will accrue on student loans during college can help students make informed decisions about whether to start making interest payments before graduation. By using tools like a student loan deferment calculator, students can estimate the total amount of interest that will accumulate on their loans and plan accordingly.

It’s also essential for students to be aware of the impact of overborrowing on their student loan debt. Lenders may offer more money than necessary, leading to higher interest payments in the long run. By borrowing only what is needed to cover educational expenses, students can minimize their debt burden after graduation.

Overall, managing student loans during college can help students avoid a student loan crisis and set themselves up for success post-graduation. By understanding how interest accrues on different types of loans, calculating the total amount of interest that will accumulate, and avoiding overborrowing, students can take control of their debt and create a plan for repayment.

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