Grab an Amazon Echo Dot for Only $4.99 When You Subscribe to Amazon Music Unlimited
|Amazon is out with a promo that gives you an Echo Dot for only $4.99 with an Amazon Music Unlimited subscription.
Unfortunately, this promotion is for new Echo device customers and new Amazon Music Unlimited subscribers. I’m not sure how Amazon decides if you’re a new Echo device customer, but that’s what the fine print states.

Amazon Music Unlimited/Echo Dot Promo
The Amazon Music Unlimited/Echo Dot promo is for a limited time, and includes 1 month of Amazon Music Unlimited Individual Plan for $9.99 ($7.99 for Prime members only) and an Echo Dot (3rd Gen) for $4.99, making the total price $14.98 ($12.98 for Prime members only).
The subscription and Echo Dot must be purchased in a single order to get the deal.
Other promo terms include:
- Only first time device owners of an Amazon Echo device are eligible for this promotion.
- Current Echo device customers and Amazon Music subscribers are not eligible.
- After the 1-month promotional term, your Amazon Music Subscription will automatically continue at the monthly price of $9.99 ($7.99 for Prime members) plus applicable taxes until you cancel.
- Offer good while supplies last.
- Use of Echo Dot is subject to the Alexa and Alexa Device Terms of Use.
- If you return your Echo product related to this offer, your refund will equal the amount you paid for the product, subject to applicable refund policies.
- Shipping charges and taxes may apply to the full value of discounted and promotional items.
- If you cancel your Amazon Music subscription, you will not receive a refund of any fees already paid.
- Digital content and services may only be available to customers located in the U.S. and are subject to the terms and conditions of ( Services LLC.
Based on the first two bullet points, I guess if you have an active Echo Dot associated with your Amazon account, that’s how they’ll exclude you from this promo. Still not sure how purchasing an Echo Dot at any earlier time would be an exclusionary factor. Might be worth a try if you’re interested in the reduced price.
Currently, an Echo Dot (3rd Generation) is pricing at $39.99.
But, you also have to have not been an Amazon Music Unlimited subscriber to qualify. Again, not sure if that’s ever, or for a period of time since having an active subscription.
You can view the promotion page and start the purchase process at the link below.
Amazon Music Unlimited / Echo Dot for $4.99 Promo Link
Amazon Music Unlimited Free Trial
If you don’t really care about the Echo Dot, and are a new Amazon Music Unlimited subscriber, you might want to go for the free 30-day trial rather than the promo above.
You can get info on Amazon Music Unlimited and begin the 30-day free trial at the link below.
Amazon Music Unlimited Free 30-day Trial Link
You can cancel anytime prior to the end of the free trial, or after.
The Amazon Music Unlimited subscription can be managed, including canceling the service, at this link.

Wrap Up
If you wanted to grab an Amazon Echo Dot at a discounted price, this Amazon Music Unlimited/Echo Dot for $4.99 promo might be for you.
For one month’s service charge and reduced Echo Dot price, you’ll have an Echo Dot for less than half price. Cancel at the end of the month and you come out ahead price-wise.
Or, keep the music service if you like it and use the Echo Dot to listen.
What do you think? Decent deal or pass?
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