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How to Lower Your Prescription Drug Costs

If your health insurance plan provides prescription drug coverage which only requires a $10 or $20 copay for each filled prescription, you might be wondering what the issue is with prescription drug costs.

There are plenty of U.S. consumers who do not have such coverage, and for them, prescription drug costs are a major issue.

Luckily, there are ways to lower the cost of prescription drugs when your situation falls into the latter category.

I'm just going to list off a few options to consider and then link to our post on lowering prescription drug costs where you can get more detail.

  • GoodRx
  • Blink Health
  • Warehouse Clubs (Sam's, Costco, etc.)
  • Calling around to local pharmacies to get cash price/discounts
  • Talk with your doctor about discounts or lower-priced alternative drugs

Our post, "Here's How to Lower Those High Prescription Drug Costs" provides info on each of these areas and should help you find lower-priced prescription drugs to reduce the burden to your bottom line.

Personally, I've had very good results with GoodRx, and prior to that, was able to find value in some prescription drug options with Sam's Club and Costco - enough to offset the membership fees.  For the warehouse clubs, though, you do have to check individual prescription pricing and factor in the additional membership fee costs to see if that route is right for your situation.

If you have a Health Savings Account or similar health insurance plan, or no health insurance at all, and are paying full price for your prescription medications, there is help.

Start by reading our linked post above and then do a little leg work to find the best price for your specific prescriptions.  It's very likely that you'll be able to lower your prescription drug costs significantly with just a little effort.

Let us know about other prescription drug price lowering options, or how your efforts have gone lowering your prescription medication costs, by commenting below.