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A $6 Billion "Accounting Error"

Does U.S. government spending worry you?
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A $6 billion accounting error.  Hilarious.

Just one more, of many, examples of why government is not a good steward of our tax dollars.  Yet, governments want more and more, whether it's via direct taxation of your income, or indirectly by price increases on various products or services, when businesses are taxed at higher levels.  All to be funneled into government coffers to then result in "accounting errors."  Incompetence or purposeful...doesn't really matter, does it?

All the while, America hits a record $32 trillion in debt this week, up from a record $30 trillion just over a year ago.  That's a pace that's more than a little disturbing.  And, considering we continue to spend more each and every year than is brought in via taxes, there's no end in sight.

Oh well.

Pentagon Says It Made $6 Billion "Accounting Error." Clearing More Aid For Ukraine