Chase Offering an Ultimate Rewards Points Bonus When Points are Redeemed for Apple Products Through November 15, 2020
|Chase is offering an Ultimate Rewards points bonus when points are redeemed for Apple products now through November 15, 2020.
Depending on the Chase Ultimate Rewards credit card you hold, your bonus can be up to 50%.
Below is the breakdown of Ultimate Rewards points saving percentages per card and on select Apple products.
Log in to your Chase Ultimate Rewards account to see specific pricing on Apple products in which you’re interested.
Ultimate Rewards Points Apple Products Redemption Bonus
Here are the Chase Ultimate Rewards earning credit cards and the bonus each is offering when redeeming points for Apple products.
- Sapphire Reserve – 50% Bonus
- Sapphire Preferred – 25% Bonus
- Ink Preferred/Plus (business cards) – 25% Bonus
- Freedoms (Freedom, Freedom Flex and Freedom Unlimited) – 5% Bonus and 20% Bonus on Apple Airpods
- Sapphire (no annual fee version) – 5% and 20% Bonus on Apple Airpods
- Ink Cash/Unlimited (business cards) – 5% and 20% Bonus on Apple Airpods
And now a few examples of Apple products and their bonused pricing in Ultimate Rewards points.

Sapphire Reserve – 16,600 points
Sapphire Preferred – 19,920 points
Ink Preferred/Plus – 19,920 points
Freedom and Sapphire Cards – 20,749 points
Ink Cash and Unlimited – 20,749 points

Sapphire Reserve – 21,933 points
Sapphire Preferred – 26,320 points
Ink Preferred/Plus – 26,320 points
Freedoms and Sapphire – 31,333 points
Ink Cash and Unlimited – 31,333 points
iPhone 12

Sapphire Reserve – 55,266 points
Sapphire Preferred – 66,320 points
Ink Preferred/Plus – 66,320 points
Freedoms and Sapphire – 78,952 points
Ink Cash and Unlimited – 78,952 points
Apple Watch Series 6

Sapphire Reserve – 26,600 points
Sapphire Preferred – 31,920 points
Ink Preferred/Plus – 31,920 points
Freedoms and Sapphire – 38,000 points
Ink Cash and Unlimited – 38,000 points
iMac 27-inch Dispaly

Sapphire Reserve – 119,933 points
Sapphire Preferred – 143,920 points
Ink Preferred/Plus – 143,920 points
Freedoms and Sapphire – 171,333 points
Ink Cash and Unlimited – 171,333 points
Points Redemptions
To check out all the Apple products and the redemption amounts, select the Ultimate Rewards link on your Chase credit card account.
Scroll down until you see the Apple Promo link and select Shop Apple.
Then choose your preferred product from the extensive list.
You can choose to pay for the Apple product completely with Ultimate Rewards points, or use Split Pay to use some points and cover the remainder with a credit or debit card.
Tax will be charged on purchases even though points are being used to pay. What’s nice is that you can use points to cover the tax charge, too.
Shipping is free.
Wrap Up
Chase Ultimate Rewards points are an extremely valuable currency, especially when used to transfer to travel partners which can then be redeemed for free travel.
However, travel is not first and foremost on many minds right now.
Which is why I’ve written a few posts on how to use your Ultimate Rewards points to offset non-travel costs during the pandemic.
One of which is titled “How to Use Your Chase Ultimate Rewards Points to Pay Your Everyday Expenses, and is geared towards those who may be facing financial hardship during these Covid-19 times.
Now we have this Apple promotion which can help offset the costs associated with a purchase you either need to make, or just want to make, keeping the cash in your pocket.
And with the holidays coming soon, this could also be a way to save a bit on your holiday expenses.
So if you have a stash of Ultimate Rewards points, and need or want an Apple product, sign in to your Chase account and check out what’s offered and your Ultimate Rewards bonus redemption amount…for some cardholders, the deal is pretty good.
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