Amazon Kindle Paperwhite e-Reader with 3 Months of Kindle Unlimited for Only $70.99
|Amazon is offering a deal on the Kindle Paperwhite e-Reader (8GB version) that also provides 3 months of a Kindle Unlimited subscription for only $70.99.

This is a really nice savings off of the Kindle Paperwhite’s regular price. A savings of $59 to be exact.
Kindle Paperwhite Deal
If you’re not familiar with Kindle Unlimited, here’s a quick rundown.
Kindle Unlimited offers unlimited reading of over 1 million book titles, current magazines and unlimited audio books – it regularly prices at $9.99 per month. One thing of which to be aware, Kindle Unlimited doesn’t usually have the current release/blockbuster books as part of its offerings. The free 3-months (or its regular 30-day trial) would be a good way to see if what it offers appeals to you.
You can view the Kindle deal and purchase at the link below.
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite e-Reader and 3-Month Kindle Unlimited Subscription for $70.99 Link
Amazon Credit Card Savings Deals
And, since the Kindle is sold and shipped by Amazon, it should be eligible for any credit card deal discounts that may be available on your Amazon account. If you have a deal available, that will lower the final price even more!
Kindle Paperwhite Deal Details
A few details of which to be aware:
The Kindle Unlimited subscription requires auto-renewal to be activated – likely that will be done automatically upon purchase/activation. I would think you can turn it off prior to the 3-month free period ending to avoid charges going forward. Amazon is just hoping you either like the service enough to pay for it, or forget to turn off auto-renew and pay for it for a month or two even if you don’t want it. Just keep that in mind should you take advantage of the deal.
Here’s the link to Amazon’s “How to Cancel Your Kindle Unlimited Subscription” page.
The $70.99 version is the ad-supported version of the Kindle. Which means, according to Amazon, “If your device includes ads, sponsored screensavers appear on your device’s lock and home screens.” Not a huge deal, but something to also keep in mind for this promotion.
Kindle with More Storage
If you think you’ll need more storage space, the Kindle Paperwhite 32GB version with the 3-month Kindle Unlimted subscription prices at $87.99…a significant discount from its regular price.
For both Kindle deals, pricing is good for all colors – Black, Plum, Sage and Twilight Blue.
If you’re in the market for a new e-reader, this Kindle Paperwhite deal might be something to consider. Not sure how long this deal will last. Buy now if interested.
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