
SiriusXM Subscription Deals

The SiriusXM free listening event we wrote about in late August is coming to an end tomorrow.

If you enjoyed having satellite radio during the promotion period, here are a few options for reactivating your subscription at greatly reduced rates.

SiriusXM Subscription Pricing

If you head on over to the SiriusXM website and click on the subscriptions link you’ll see the following pricing options:

  • XM Select – 140+ Channels for $15.99 per month
  • XM All Access – 150+ Channels for $19.99 per month
  • XM Mostly Music – 80+ Channels for $10.99 per month

If you select one of these options, you may (or may not) be offered a reactivation deal similar to the ones below.

Why bother wondering what deal you might see, though?

SiriusXM Subscription Deals

Just use the Friends and Famiy Deal link below to get:

XM Select – 6 months for $30 (actually it’s a bit over $34 when fees are added in). The activation fee is waived.

XM All Access – 6 months for $50 plus fees (waived activation fee).

Here’s the fine print for each of these offers (click to enlarge).

You can find both these offers – and the online order button – at this Friends and Family Deal link.

As you can see, both these deals offer a significant savings over the regular subscription price.

Long Term

You may be able to get either of the above Friends and Family Deals in the form of a 12-month subscription, but you’ll have to call 1-888-247-5496 and likely haggle a bit.

As is the case with most deals, Your Mileage May Vary (YMMV) depending, primarily, on the customer service rep you get and his or her willingness to work with you.

Personally, I’d rather go the online activation route, selecting one of the 6-month deals, and then see what can be worked out come next spring.

There are always deals to be had for SiriusXM subscriptions. Worst case scenario, you cancel your service and in a few days call back to see what can be done deal-wise to get your business back.

More than likely, once you’re firm about canceling your service, the much better subscription deals will be offered with no interruption to your service at all.

What’s been your experience getting deals on your SiriusXM subscriptions?


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